
Adding additional functionality to Recaf

Installing plugins

To install a plugin for Recaf, drop it into the “plugins” directory inside Recaf’s settings directory. When you launch Recaf check to see if the plugin has been loaded by looking for it in the plugin manager (“Plugins > Manage plugins”). If the plugin is missing, check the log output for errors and contact the plugin author with a bug report.

Current plugins

Name Description Required Recaf version Last Plugin Version Download
String replacer Replace text globally (Exact match) 2.0.0 1.0.0 strrep
RPC A Discord RichPresence plugin for Recaf 2.0.0 1.0.0 FlowArg/RecafPluginRPC
AntiAntiDebug Prevents JVMs from detecting Recaf 2.0.0 1.0.0 xxDark/AntiAntiDebug
Batch Decompile Adds a decompile-all feature to resources, classes, and packages in the navigation tree 2.0.0 1.2.0 decompile
Theme Editor Make the theme editor available 2.0.0 1.0.0 theme
Illegal Renamer Renames classes / methods / fields with names that include illegal characters, or match reserved keywords. Allowed characters are: Letters, Digits, $, / 2.0.0 1.3.0 illegalrenamer
NO-OP Replace method bodies with a simple return statement in one click 2.0.0 1.0.0 tth05/NO-OP

Developing Plugins

Recaf comes with a plugin system. You can create your own easily by setting up a workspace using this template project: Recaf-plugin-workspace. The plugin api interfaces are located in me.coley.recaf.plugin.api package. Your plugin must implement one of the following interfaces:


  • No unique behavior.


  • Allows adding new commands to Recaf’s command-line mode.
  • Commands are generated using picocli annotations. Simply annotate your class as described on picocli’s website and the command will be automatically recognized.


  • Allows plugins to keep persistent config values. Each plugin is granted its own tab in the config window.
    • Annotate config fields with @Conf(value="Title", noTranslate=true)
    • Specify the config tab name by implementing getConfigTabTitle()
    • Optional:
      • Specify custom serialization/deserialization for fields using supported(Class), loadType(FieldWrapper, Class, JsonValue), saveType(FieldWrapper, Object, JsonObject)
      • Specify custom UI components for displaying fields using addFieldEditors(Map)
        • By default, any boolean, enum, or Binding (Recaf keybind type) field will automatically have editor controls specified.


  • Allows modifying any of the context-menus shown in Recaf.


  • Allows the usage of custom archive entry handlers.
    • Entry loaders are fed the raw byte[] of all files in an archive.


  • Allows the contents of exported files to be modified before being written to the destination.


  • Allows plugins to specify custom keybinds globally, for class-views, and for file-views.


  • Allows the contents of imported files to be modified before being loaded into a Recaf resource.
    • This is different from the EntryLoaderProviderPlugin since there is no per-resource context of loaded items.


  • Allows the plugin to create a custom menu item to be shown under the plugins menu.


  • Allows the plugin to notified when Recaf starts up.
    • The plugin is also given access to the controller instance.


  • Allows the plugin to notified when Recaf opens new workspaces and closes old ones.

Compiling the custom plugin

After creating your plugin compile it using mvn clean package. This will generate a jar file in the target directory. Copy this into Recaf’s plugin directory.